What does cvn mean us navy

ARDC -- auxiliary repair dock, concrete. ARDM -- medium auxiliary repair dry dock non-self-propelled. ARG -- internal combustion engine repair ship. ARH -- heavy-hull repair ship. ARL -- landing craft repair ship. AMR -- heavy machinery repair ship. ARS -- salvage ship. ARSD -- salvage lifting ship. ARST -- salvage craft tender. ARVA -- aircraft repair ship aircraft. ARVE -- aircraft repair ship engine.

ARVH -- aircraft repair ship helicopter. AS -- submarine tender. ASPB -- assault support patrol boat. ASR -- submarine rescue ship. ASROC -- antisubmarine rocket. ASSA -- cargo submarine. ASSP -- transport submarine.

ASW -- antisubmarine warfare. AT -- ocean tug. ATA -- auxiliary ocean tug. ATC -- armored troop carrier. ATF -- fleet ocean tug. ATL -- tank landing craft. ATO -- ocean tug, old. ATR -- rescue tug. ATS -- salvage tug. AV -- seaplane tender. AVB -- advance aviation base ship. AVC -- large catapult lighter. AVD -- seaplane tender destroyer.

AVG -- aircraft escort vessel. AVM -- guided missile ship. AVP -- small seaplane tender. AVR -- aircraft rescue vessel. AVS -- aviation supply ship. AVT -- auxiliary aircraft transport. AW -- distilling ship. AWK -- water tanker.

AZ -- airship tender lighter than air. BAK -- British cargo ship. BB -- battleship. BBG -- guided missile capital ship. C, -- British Columbia. BLM -- ballistic intercontinental missile. BDE -- British escort ship.

Beth-Bklyn -- Bethlehem Steel Co. Bg -- barge. BM -- monitor. Bt -- boat. Buda -- Buda Diesel Engine Co.

Buff-B -- Buffalo, Shipbuilding Co. Buff-E -- Buffalo Shipbuilding Co. Louis, Missouri. I -- British West Indies. C back to the list C -- protected cruiser; commanding officer. CA -- heavy cruiser. CAG -- guided missile heavy cruiser. CAP -- combat air patrol. CB -- large cruiser. CBC -- large tactical command ship.

CC -- battle cruiser; or command ship. CCB -- command and control boat. CF -- flying-deck cruiser. CFC -- controlled forced circulation. CG -- guided missile cruiser. CGC -- Coast Guard cutter. CGN -- -guided missile cruiser nuclear propulsion. CH -- Cutler-Hammer. Chry -- Chrysler Corp. Atlantic Fleet. CinCPac -- Commander in Chief. Pacific Fleet. CL -- light cruiser. CLAA -- Antiaircraft light cruiser. ClBt -- canal boat, CLC -- tactical command ship.

CLG -- guided missile light cruiser. CLK -- cruiser hunter-killer ship. CM -- minelayer. CMc -- coastal minelayer. CortRon -- escort squadron. Craig -- Craig Shipbuilding Go. Cramp -- Wm. CS -- scout cruiser. CTE -- coastal torpedo boat. CV -- aircraft carrier. CVA -- attack aircraft carrier. CVAN -- attack aircraft carrier nuclear propulsion.

CVB -- large aircraft carrier. CVE -- escort aircraft carrier. CVHA -- assault helicopter aircraft carrier. CVL -- small aircraft carrier.

CVN -- aircraft carrier nuclear propulsion CVS -- antisubmarine warfare support aircraft carrier; or seaplane carrier. CVT -- training aircraft carrier. CVU -- utility aircraft carrier. Cwt -- hundred weight, C. DASH -- drone antisubmarine helicopter. DD -- destroyer. DDC -- corvette. DDE -- antisubmarine destroyer.

DE -- escort ship. DEC -- control escort vessel. DEG -- guided missile escort ship. Trenton, New Jersey. DER -- radar picket escort ship. Des -- destroyer. DesDiv -- Destroyer Division. DesRon -- Destroyer Squadron. Diehl -- Diebl Manufacturing Co. DL -- frigate. DLG -- guided missile frigate.

DLGN -- guided missile frigate nuclear propulsion. DM -- destroyer minelayer; or light minelayer now MMD. DMS -- high-speed minesweeper; or destroyer minesweeper. DMZ -- Demilitarized Zone. E back to the list EAG -- experimental miscellaneous auxiliary. ED -- Electric Dynamic Co. Ell -- Elliot Motor Co.

Enter -- Enterprise Engine and Foundry Co. F back to the list f. FB -- Farrel-Birmingham Co. FBM -- fleet ballistic missile. FDI -- fast deployment logistics ship. Fiat -- Fiat-San Giorgio, Ltd. Flot -- flotilla. FltBtry -- floating battery.

Schlebau Gmbh. FW -- Foster Wheeler Corp. Express-Type Boiler. G back to the list gal. Gbt -- gunboat. GE -- General Electric Co. GM -- General Motors Corp.

Gond -- gondola. Gould -- Gould Storage Battery Co. Gulf -- Gulf Shipbuilding Corp. Gy -- galley. H back to the list Hall-S -- Hall-Scott. Here -- Hercules Motor Co.

HH -- Harlan and Hollingsworth Corp. HL -- H. Hawthorne, Leslie and Co. HT -- Humphreys and Tenant. Hw -- Hunter-wheel. HwGbt, -- Hunter-wheel gunboat. HwStr -- Hunter-wheel steamer. Irc -- ironclad. IreFitBtry -- ironclad floating battery. IreGbt -- ironclad gunboat. IrcRam -- ironclad ram. IrcSlp -- ironclad sloop. IreStr -- ironclad steamer. IrcStFItBtry -- ironclad steam floating battery. IX -- unclassified miscellaneous auxiliary ship.

JHendy -- Joshua Hendy. K back to the list k. KA -- contraction of AKA attack cargo ship. Kopp -- Koppers Manufacturing Co. L back to the list l. LBP -- support landing boat. LBV -- vehicle landing boat. LCA -- assault landing craft. LCAP -- local combat air patrol. LCB -- landing craft, vehicle. LCC 1 -- landing craft, control Mk I. LCI F -- landing craft, infantry gunboat. LCI L -- landing craft, infantry large. LCI M -- landing craft, infantry mortar. LCI R -- landing craft, infantry rocket.

LCM -- landing craft, mechanized. LCPL -- landing craft, personnel large. LCP N -- landing craft, personnel nested. LCPR -- landing craft, personnel, ramped. LCR L -- landing craft, inflatable bout large. LCR S -- landing craft, inflatable boat small. LCSL -- landing craft, infantry support.

LCT -- landing craft, tank. LCU -- landing craft, utility. LCV -- landing craft, vehicle. LCVP -- landing craft, vehicle, personnel. LFS -- amphibious fire support ship. LHA -- amphibious assault ship general purpose. Loran -- long range navigation [system]. LPD -- amphibious transport dock. LPH -- amphibious assault ship. LSD -- dock landing ship.

LSFF -- flotilla flagship amphibious. LSI -- landing ship, infantry giant "Y" boat. LSI G -- landing ship, infantry gunboat. LSI L -- landing ship, infantry large. LSI M -- landing ship, infantry mortar. LSI R -- landing ship, infantry rocket. In , the Navy was producing so many new kinds of ships, they needed a better way to keep track of them all. So, acting Navy Secretary Robert Coontz decided to standardize a numbering system that included a two-letter code that would identify the ship and its status as well as its number in the series, type, and sub-type.

That was the early 20th Century. World War I had only just introduced a number of new technological innovations to the battlefield, and there were a lot more to come.

Training ships, aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and so, so much more were still to come to the U. The demonstration, which took place in The flagship of the U. France's ambassador to Australia, Jean-Pierre Thebault, said on Wednesday that Australia acted with deceit when it abruptly cancelled a The military's non-tactical vehicle fleet alone is the second largest in the federal government next to the U.

The Kremlin has made modernization of the military a top priority as relations with Western nations have sunk to post-Cold While it's impossible to predict every kind of danger that will be present on a future battlefield, enough is known to The responsibility for preventing future calamities will rest largely with ship commanders, officials said.

A report has concluded there were failures by commanders and crew members that fueled the July arson fire that destroyed


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